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Specify IDE

By default, code-inspector-plugin scans the applications currently running on the system and automatically opens a running IDE program (automatic recognition is limited to the IDEs supported in the table below), so in most cases, you do not need to manually specify the IDE.

If you want to specify the IDE, you need to add a file named .env.local in the project root and add: CODE_EDITOR=[IDE Code Name].

Taking vscode as an example, its corresponding IDE Code Name is code, then add the following content to .env.local:

# Specify IDE as vscode

IDEs Supported for Automatic Recognition

The IDE that supports automatic recognition and the corresponding IDE Encoding Name are shown in the table below:

IDEIDE Encoding Name
Visual Studio Code(vscode)code
Visual Studio Code - Insiders (vscode Insiders)code_insiders
IntelliJ IDEAidea

Other IDEs

If the IDE you are using is not in the list of supported IDEs for automatic recognition, or if you are using an IDE that is not officially listed but still supported, it may cause recognition failure. You need to add a file named .env.local in the project root and add: CODE_EDITOR=[IDE executable program path], where the IDE executable program path is referenced as follows.


Taking VSCodium as an example (the steps are the same for other IDEs), to obtain the IDE executable program path on a MAC system, follow these steps:

  1. Open the IDE program VSCodium.
  2. Open the Activity Monitor on MAC, find VSCodium in the process, and double-click it: Active_Monitor
  3. After double-clicking, in theOpen Files and PortsTab of the window, find the path corresponding to the first txt, which is the IDE executable program path: Open_Files
  4. Copy the IDE executable program path to the .env.local file:
# .env.local


Taking WebStorm as an example (the steps are the same for other IDEs), to obtain the IDE executable program path on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Find the shortcut of the IDE (if it doesn't exist, create one), right-click the shortcut, and select【Properties】:
  2. After opening, in the【Shortcut】Tab, find【Target】under【Target】, remove the double quotes in【Target】, which is the IDE executable program path:
  3. Copy the IDE executable program path to the .env.local file:
# .env.local
CODE_EDITOR=D:\webstorm\WebStorm 2023.1.3\bin\webstorm64.exe