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Advanced Configuration

Below are configurations for some non-standard scenarios.

behavior 0.7.0+

  • Optional
  • Type:
    type Behavior = {
       * Whether to enable clicking to jump to IDE code location (default is true)
      locate?: boolean;
       * Whether to enable clicking to copy source code location info (default is true)
       * Can also set a string and use {file}, {line}, {column} templates to specify the format
       * Default value true is equivalent to the string format "{file}:{line}:{column}"
      copy?: boolean | string;
  • Description: In some scenarios, if you don't need to locate code when clicking elements and only need to copy the source code location information, you can set locate: false and copy: true. In this case, clicking elements will only copy the source code location information.

ip 0.13.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: boolean | string. Default value false
  • Description: Whether to send requests to the node server via IP. By default, requests are sent via localhost; when set to true, it will automatically detect local IP and send requests through IP; when specified as string type, it will send requests to the specified value.

exclude 0.19.1+

  • Optional
  • Type: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
  • Description: Specify files not to be compiled, default is /node_modules/, after configuration, it is the union of /node_modules/ and exclude.

include 0.18.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
  • Description: By default, code-inspector-plugin won't compile files in node_modules. In some monorepo projects, your local packages referenced by the main project might be linked through node_modules. In this case, you need to declare these packages via include to allow their code to participate in location.
  • Example: Suppose you have the following directory structure:
      - pkg-a
      - pkg-b
      - main-pkg # imports pkg-a and pkg-b via package.json `dependencies`
        - node_modules
          - pkg-a
          - pkg-b
    If you want the source code in pkg-a and pkg-b to be locatable, you can configure as follows:
      bundler: 'vite',
      include: ['pkg-a', 'pkg-b'],

mappings 0.18.1+

  • Optional
  • Type: Record<string, string> | Array<{ find: string | RegExp, replacement: string }>
  • Description: Used with include to map file paths in node_modules to real file paths in your project.
  • Example: Suppose you have the following directory structure:
      - pkg-a
      - pkg-b
      - main-pkg # imports pkg-a and pkg-b via package.json `dependencies`
        - node_modules
          - pkg-a
          - pkg-b
    After declaring pkg-a and pkg-b via include, the source code location will point to files in node_modules rather than the real file paths in your project. You can use mappings to map the paths:
    import path from 'path';
      bundler: 'vite',
      include: ['pkg-a', 'pkg-b'],
      mappings: {
        'pkg-a': path.resolve(__dirname, '../pkg-a'),
        'pkg-b': path.resolve(__dirname, '../pkg-b'),

hooks 0.10.0+

  • Optional
  • Type:
    type SourceInfo = {
      file: string;
      line: number;
      column: number;
    type Hooks = {
       * Hook function after server receives DOM source code location request
      afterInspectRequest?: (
        options: CodeInspectorOptions,
        source: SourceInfo
      ) => void;
    // Example
      bundler: 'vite',
      hooks: {
        afterInspectRequest: (options, source) => {
  • Description: Set callback hooks for certain lifecycles of code-inspector-plugin. For example, if you want to track how many times your team uses the code location feature, you can implement it through this configuration.

match 0.5.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: RegExp, default value is /\.(vue|jsx|tsx|js|ts|mjs|mts)$/
  • Description: code-inspector-plugin will only compile files that match the match regular expression for source code location. You can use this configuration to reduce unnecessary files from compilation and improve compilation performance.

injectTo 0.5.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: string | string[] (only supports string[] type in version 0.17.5 and above)
  • Description: Specifies the file for injecting client-side code related to DOM filtering and clicking to jump to vscode (must be an absolute path ending with .js/.ts/.mjs/.mts/.jsx/.tsx). By default, code-inspector-plugin will inject client code into the first file matching the match regular expression. In some custom SSR framework projects, the first injected file might only run on the server side, causing client-side logic to fail. In this case, you can specify a client file through this configuration to ensure client-side logic works.

openIn 0.8.0+

  • Optional

  • Type: 'reuse' | 'new' | 'auto', default value is 'auto'

  • Description: Specifies how to open IDE windows when using vscode or cursor as editor. reuse specifies reusing the current window; new specifies opening a new window; auto automatically chooses based on current IDE installation. It's recommended to configure your preference in IDE settings:


pathFormat 0.8.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: string | string[], default value is {file}:{line}:{column}
  • Description: Specifies the command format for opening files in IDE, mainly used with non-built-in IDEs. {file}, {line}, {column} will be dynamically replaced as templates. For example, if your code location is line 5 column 11 of /root/my-project/index.ts, and your IDE's command to open files is yourIDE /root/my-project/index.ts --line 5 --column 11, you should set this value to ["{file}", "--line", "{line}", "--column", "{column}"].

hideDomPathAttr 0.12.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: boolean. Default value false
  • Description: Whether to hide the data-insp-path attribute on DOM elements in browser console


  • Optional
  • Type: boolean, default value is false
  • Description: Whether to hide the keyboard shortcut hints about code-inspector-plugin in browser console

escapeTags 0.11.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: (string | RegExp)[]
  • Description: For tags matching these conditions, the data-insp-path attribute will not be injected during compilation

importClient 0.14.1+

  • Optional
  • Type: string
  • Description: Method of importing client interaction code: file means importing the file containing interaction code; code means directly injecting interaction code into the entry file.

needEnvInspector Deprecated

  • Optional
  • Type: boolean, default value is false
  • Description: When set to true, the plugin only works when .env.local file exists and contains CODE_INSPECTOR=true. (Mainly solves the need for some team members who don't want to use this plugin feature)

forceInjectCache Deprecated

  • Optional
  • Type: boolean, default is false
  • Description: Forces the cache strategy of the loader for webpack/rspack interaction injection logic; true for full cache; false for no cache; if not set, automatically determines to only not cache entry files while caching other files. (Only works for webpack/rspack, after version 0.5.1, this cache strategy has been optimized and this field is no longer needed).

port 0.19.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: number, default value is 5678
  • Description: Specifies the starting port for the server of code-inspector-plugin to find.

printServer 0.19.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: boolean, default value is false
  • Description: Whether to print the server startup information in the console.

pathType 0.20.0+

  • Optional
  • Type: 'absolute' | 'relative', default value is 'relative'
  • Description: Specifies the path type of the data-insp-path attribute, defaulting to relative path, optionally using absolute path (in micro-frontend scenarios, if multiple projects are not in the same git repository, absolute path is required).